
07 3290 0930



Profire provides the following services for Property Developers & Building Owners & Building Contractors alike:

– Design, Supply & Installation of Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems;

– Systems Tailored for both new projects & existing buildings;

– Development & Building Application Drawings for QFES submission;

– Services Co‐ordinated Design Drawings in PDF and AutoCad DWG format;

– Hyena© Hydraulically Calculated Systems for economy of design;

– Computer generated Workshop Fabrication Sheets for quality pipe manufacture.

All services are provided in‐house ensuring quality control to the benefit of our clients

Why choose Profire?

We do all our own design, and are licensed to do it. We don’t sub-contract out design to other companies. Builders like the fact we can “design & construct” a project which saves money on consultants and having to go through multiple points of contact.

Insurances & Industry Funds

– Public Liability & Contract Works ‐ $20m
– Professional Indemnity ‐ $5m
